Inert Gas Devices

Inert Gas TherapyJust place it under your bed, and allow the beam to work on your health while you sleep ......


Inert gas devices contain noble gases under high pressure which when exposed to magnetic stimulation can be used in alternative medicine healing. Compressed inert gases which are exposed to magnetic or electrical fields have been observed to result in biological effects. 

Inert Gas Device

Inert gas beaming devices have been around now for well over 30 years, and they are considered by many who use them as incredible evolutionary devices for achieving rapid healing in biological matter. Despite some great observations that have been made in applying these devices to specific cases of disease and pain, they are not accepted by the scientific or medical communities due to the lack of understanding in the mechanism by which they work. They work on the basis of a magnetic field being applied to an inert gas or combination of inert gases under high pressure, which results in a beam or energy ray that delivers concentrated ether energy, which can in turn be used therapeutically. Natures Energies have developed a new range of inert gas devices that are considered a lot more effective when compared to any other devices ever made due to alterations in energy properties of the gases used, and modifications to the magnetic devices that run them. From a scientific view point, it is the ether (or AEther) where the scientific community has an issue but maybe it is not clearly understood. Modern scientific theory on matter is becoming exposed in the Large Hadron Collider experiments in Switzerland, which may reveal an energy ether (and not an antiquated particle theory once thought). In fact ether may be confused with modern scientific theory of Dark Energy, which forms the basis of all matter and energy in the Universe. We discuss the mechanism by which these incredible devices work below.

What can the Inert Gas Devices Do?

The Inert Gas Therapy Beaming Devices available through Natures Energies can achieve many things. The list below is a shortened list of some things that they can achieve;

  • Regeneration and regrowth of bodily tissues (e.g., regrowth of teeth, hips, bone, skin and other bodily parts)
  • Recovery and removal of scar tissue
  • Increased recovery time from injury (e.g., sprains, dislocations, bruises etc)
  • Relief of some viruses (e.g., cytomegalo virus (CMV))
  • Relief from chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Positive effects for some people with cancer
  • Positive effects for some people with epilepsy
  • Alleviates pain from common diseases
  • Provides relief from headaches and migraines
  • Stimulated psychic ability
  • Significant relief from insomnia
  • Release of attachments and negative thought forms
  • Improved immunity, grounding ability and energy levels
  • Improved memory
  • Improved athletic performance

Read the articles below as there are many things that are not included in the above list.


What are the Inert Gases?

Periodic Table of the elementsInert gases are gases that belong to Group VIII of the periodic table (also known as the noble gases) and they have a distinct characteristic in that they will not react under normal circumstances with other chemicals such as metal or acid. This is what distinguishes them as inert gases.

The inert gases include;

  1. Helium (He)
  2. Neon (Ne)
  3. Argon (Ar)
  4. Krypton (Kr)
  5. Xenon (Xe)
  6. Radon (Rn)

Radon is not used in any of our inert gas devices as it is radioactive, and therefore considered dangerous. 

The inert gases are obtained by fractional distillation of air. This is achieved by cooling air to a very cold temperature. The air liquefies, and then its temperature is slowly raised. Since each of the inert gases has its own unique boiling point, each one can be pulled off and purified. In nature, inert gases are found for the most part in the atmosphere. You are breathing inert gases now as you are reading this article. The most occurring of the inert gases in our atmosphere is Argon where it is roughly 7600 parts per million. The rarest of the inert gases is Xenon, where it occurs at less than 1 part per ten million in the atmosphere.

The cost of each of the inert gases is proportional to how difficult it is to extract them from the atmosphere. Xenon is the most expensive of the inert gases used in our devices, whereas argon is the cheapest. While most other planets with atmospheres have a greater concentration of xenon, much of it was removed from the Earth’s atmosphere in the past for the purpose of deliberate life-shortening and the cessation of most of xenon’s natural regenerative capabilities in humans. In genesis in the bible, it describes humans who lived closer to 1000 years, perhaps in times when xenon was in higher concentrations in the atmosphere (3% according to channeled wisdom about Lemuria). Xenon interacting with Earth's gravitational field and electric field high up in the atmosphere and, of course, Earth's subtle magnetic field nearer the ground, enabled a low level Xenon energy to be released constantly on the planet in this historic period.

Inert Gas and AEther Theory

Inert-gas therapy is based on a concept that space is something, not nothing as most scientists believe. This something is called ether, which permeates all of our three and also higher dimensional space.

The actual mechanism and explanation for the resulting PE (Primary Energy) ray emitted from an inert gas device is that the magnetic field excites the inert gas atom (AKA excitation) to such a vibration that it "unmasks" the aether. In the late 19th century and early 20th, it was postulated that the aether is the space between all things and its behavior was more like fluid as opposed to the nothing which for most of the 20th century it was thought to be. Recent advances in physics with string theory and quantum physics now allow physicists to speculate that the space between all things, also known as "dark matter" does behave very much like a fluid, although it is not composed of infinitely small particles as once postulated pre Einstein. In the experiments using the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) these theories may be proven and a whole new world of physics will open to the scientific community with the observations made on dark matter and dark energy. To further understand this theory, lets look at Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Human Etheric body.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy (The Universal AEther)

Dark Matter and Dark EnergyAstronomers are at the dawn of a scientific revolution today. In the 1990s, they discovered a previously unknown "dark energy" that is causing the universe to accelerate, and expand faster as it ages. It was at this time that the once forgotten theory of a universal ether resurfaced again. They calculated that dark energy constitutes about 70 percent of all the matter and energy in the universe. So far, though, scientists don’t know what dark energy is. It is likely that it springs from the vacuum of space itself, becoming a more dominant force as the universe expands and gets more spacious. Dark energy could mean that our understanding of gravity needs an overhaul. Or it could be something completely different — perhaps something that no one has even thought about. It could require scientists to revise their ideas about the Big Bang, or even develop an entirely new scenario to explain how the universe was born. The large hadron collider will answer many of these questions, and will determine whether in fact dark energy is in fact the ether. In the past, scientists theorized that the ether was the building blocks to all forces and matter in nature. Ether energy or dark energy could be converted to light, electromagnetism, matter, heat etc or anything in the perceptible Universe.

Estimated distribution of matter and energy
Estimated distribution of matter and energy in the universe based on observations from the Planck spacecraft.

The Human Etheric BodyThe Human Etheric Body

Beyond your physical body are your subtle energy bodies and it is the uninhibited flow of this subtle energy that maintains your physical body. The etheric body is the first or lowest layer in the human energy field or aura. It is said to be in immediate contact with the physical body to sustain it, and to connect it with "higher" bodies. It extends up to 1 inch from the surface of your physical body and those that are able to see it describe it as a bluish-grey color or shadow.

Under energy-medicine and quantum science viewpoints, we are primarily beings of low vibrational state energy. Higher vibrational energy fields surround and permeate our physical body and our senses are usually unable to see them as they vibrate at a much higher rate than the energy that makes up physical matter. As discussed by neurophysiologist Dr. Valerie Hunt, sophisticated, state-of-the-art technology can detect the lower-vibrational electromagnetic components of these fields. Interestingly, what is detected correlates well to what is observed independently by sensitive intuitives.

Proponents believe the human energy field is composed of at least seven consecutive layers of increasing vibrational energy. Intersecting the body and the energy field are seven tornado-like energy vortexes called chakras in Eastern traditions, which convert high vibrational energy into energy that the body can assimilate. You can read more on the 4 main energy bodies that surround our physical body by clicking here.

Our energy network includes a power column in front of the spinal cord, which receives energy from the chakras and transmits it through the body. The more familiar acupuncture points and meridians are further down our energetic pipeline, bringing downloaded energy to a more specific organ level.

Imbalances or blockages in the energy network predispose one to illness. Basically, disease has its origins in the energy field, which then progressively manifest at the molecular, cellular, and body-system levels.

The effects of injury are stored in the energy field closest to the body, which contains the template or blueprint for the physical body, duplicating every body cell and organ. This energetic template is responsible for the growth, development, and repair of the physical body. If this template is distorted, its physical product, the body, will also be distorted in some sense. Because the physical body interacts with its higher vibrational version, as an injury evolves over time into a chronic injury, the distorted physical will be imprinted onto the higher-level, energetic template. This locks the injury more into place, and, as a result, it becomes much more difficult for healing to take place by exclusively focusing on the physical. Because time tends to lock in an injury within the energy field, the sooner the therapy is performed the better. Finally, negative, injury-associated emotional memories are stored within cellular energy fields. The body will heal quicker when this negative energy is removed. It is claimed by some therapists that pain and spasticity are especially amenable to energy therapy.

All 5 Inert Gas and Noble Gas Devices FeedbackConnecting the Etheric Body and the Ether

Every part of the physical body has a higher vibrational component (called para) within the energy field, such as the para-brain, para-eyes, para-bones, para-skin, and para-spinal cord.

Our higher vibrational template of our genetic DNA, possesses the informational patterns to create a complete and whole physical body, including regenerating damaged components. Basically, this regenerative potential can be manifested in the physical if sufficient etheric energy can be built up in our energy fields and pervasive negative belief systems (e.g., someone with a damaged spinal cord may affirm in the negative “I will never walk again”) that prevent template encoded vibrational information from being transferred into the physical are dismantled and replaced with beliefs of healing and renewed wholeness. Argon is useful in some of the mixtures that we produce as it breaks down such negative thought forms.

Compared to other elements, the inert gases possess additional energy that keeps them in a higher vibrational, more gaseous state. Although higher molecular weight elements tend to be liquids or solids, xenon and krypton, with molecular weights greater than iron, nickel, copper, and zinc, exist as gases. This requires them to be in a higher vibrational state, which requires additional energy.

Helium also has properties that run counter to what would be expected when compared to other elements. Specifically, helium is difficult to freeze no matter how low the temperature is taken. Even if virtually all the thermal energy is removed, helium somehow retains sufficient vibrational energy that inhibits it from entering a solid state.

The Mechanism by which Inert Gas Beaming Devices Operate

Having understanding on the etheric body, we can now theorize on how the Inert Gas Devices operate. It is postulated that primary points located in the nucleus of the inert-gas elements produce the energy that keeps the heavier inert-gas elements in a gaseous state and keeps helium from solidifying at very low temperatures.

To harness the energy produced by these inert-gas primary points, the inert gas beaming devices have been constructed in which the inert-gas mixture is pressurized and magnetically stimulated. This stimulation pulls the primary point away from its nucleus, which under normal conditions would absorb the downloaded, primary-point energy. Because of this unshielding, the energy is now released into the surrounding space and, hence, available for healing purposes. Our DNA contains the physical blue print, and we should consequently be able to regenerate the physical body as well as regrow missing body parts. We cant normally do this as we don't have enough Aetheric Fluidium, or raw energy/substance that's required, as its being channeled into many other things. This is where the inert gas beaming devices become useful as a tool for harnessing the Aetheric Fluidium needed to achieve such healing.

Inert Gas Beaming DevicesThe Inert Gas Beaming Devices, especially those containing xenon, can help build up the etheric raw fuel needed for regeneration of damaged bodily tissues. In itself, however, this etheric fuel is neutral. Like the amorphous clay that is transformed into a work of art through the potter’s consciousness, it is the directed consciousness of wholeness that will create its physical manifestation. Hard-to-let-go negative believe patterns, which hang around in the energy fields, will strongly filter these potent, healing energies from reaching the physical. While this is the theory it is not always the case. As an example a case study shows how an inert gas device was procured for healing an injured hip. The person using the device kept it next to his bed, and in time his hip healed. The next thing his wife became pregnant, even though her fallopian tubes had been previously cauterized to prevent pregnancy. This is one example of undirected consciousness resulting in the primary beam healing the physical body.

Essentially, the supplemental etheric energy facilitates the transference of the appropriate patterns held within the higher vibrational template of our DNA into the physical structures. The intervening material is the energy body. The inert-gas devices are producing the specific raw material that the physical body will draw upon that is most advantageous to the healing process.

The energy fields are using the etheric energy as a means of communication that goes back and forth from non-physical vibrational levels into the physical and back to the nonphysical. If a sufficient excess of etheric energy is available and can be appropriately directed, there is a spillover that will generally move into the body’s weakest areas.

Practical Application of the Different Inert Gases



Research into the energy field produced by Helium suggests that it is useful for dealing with issues of tension, headaches and migraine. It has also been found to be useful for energy lift, insomnia and to accelerate repair to the body from trauma (e.g., sprains, bruises, dislocations etc).

Tension Headaches and Migraine

If an 8 oz glass of water is exposed to the helium energy field by placing the glass of water on top of the Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #2 for approximately 15 minutes, and that water is thereafter consumed, the consumer will experience relief from the headache within 25 minutes for the majority of cases where the headache is related to tension or stress. If the relief is only partial, repeat the exercise described above for complete relief. It is noted that any consumable medium that is water based can be used in this exercise, as long as it is not carbonated. The explanation for this is that energy may be trapped in the lower part of the body and cannot be released out the top of the head through the Crown Chakra. The Helium in the water seems to be able to move through the blood and open up that Chakra. Some researchers have had interesting results with that in a number of cases of previously incurable migraines. However, as a general rule, it has been observed that headaches resulting from hangovers, hormonal imbalances or other chemicals and impurities, that they are more resistant to the helium field. They are however usually somewhat partially relieved.

Energy Lift

Other researchers have shown that when water that has been exposed to the helium energy beam is consumed, and there is no headache or migraine, there is a lift in energy.


Another use for the Helium energy is in using the Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #2 itself. When left under or on the floor next to the bed, many with insomnia have found they can get a much more deeper and refreshing sleep with the device. However, this varies from person to person and it is important for the individual to moderate it. If the field is too strong, or the device is too close to them, they can have difficulty waking up or they'll wake up feeling groggy. The idea is to find the right blend. Try different distances from the bed. In some cases, this could mean placing the device in the next room or even several rooms away, depending on how you are affected. Deeper, more refreshing sleep can be very helpful in a number of conditions. As the body repairs itself in sleep, Helium in the sleep state appears to accelerate the repair of trauma to the body, like sprains, dislocations, bruises, etc. different distances from the bed.

Click here to view 100% Pure Helium Gas Inert Gas Device Unit.

Case Studies


Research into the energy field produced by Neon seems to suggest that it is especially useful for dealing with issues relating to lower abdominal area that do not originate from pathogenic organisms. One researcher says "This seems to be extremely helpful for quite a number of people that I've worked with for digestion and energies that have to do with the Root Chakra."

The chakra at the base of the spine is responsible for sustaining energy to the major organs in that region including the kidneys, bladder, reproductive tract and the spine. In individuals where there has been previous physical trauma or disorder in this region which has generally healed, they will be predisposed to a blocked energy flow in this region, especially when they experience mental or emotional stress. When the most common disorders of lower abdominal pain have been ruled out, this is the time to try Neon using Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #3.

Using Neon to alleviate lower abdominal problems

As with the helium device, water is a perfect medium for carrying the neon beam energy. By exposing 8 oz water or some other non-carbonated water based medium to the neon beam for 15 minutes (e.g., by placing it on top of or above the Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #3, and then consuming that liquid, symptoms and issues relating to the imbalance can be relieved. It should be noted that for those treating gastro-intestinal complications such as ulcers and the like that they should avoid using orange or tomato juice as such mediums can exacerbate the situation.

Neon also seems to reverse the feeling of being spaced-out, and has a grounding affect because of its connection to grounding energy.

Some researchers have made interesting observations with people suffering from various viral complaints, including cytomegalo virus (CMV)and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS). With the inert gas Neon there is some beneficial effect by increasing energy to the Root Chakra, which seems to improve the immune system, helping to destroy some of these invading organisms.

With Neon the reproductive system also seems to be assisted. There are a number of cases of individuals having difficulty with conception using Neon in combination with Xenon for improving the function of various parts of the regenerative system of the body. This affects both potency for men, and for women the ability to get pregnant. In another case, one woman with cervical cancer used a device containing Neon with a little bit of Helium, so that her sleep would go very well. After four months she had a biopsy and they said no more cancer (note Natures Energies does not endorse any alternative medicine products for treating cancer).

Click here to view 100% Pure Neon Gas Inert Gas Device Unit.

Case Studies


Investigations into the use of Argon and Krypton have revealed that they are useful in the destruction of negative thought forms, specifically those that do not use bacterial or viral projections. One of our more popular selling devices is Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #10 for Destruction of Negative Thought Forms.The device contains both Argon and Krypton, Argon for dealing with thought forms created in the current lifetime, and Krypton for dealing with thought forms created in past lives which we are still present within us. This device is one of our more popular selections. When using this device, the world seems a happier place. Families and homes have a much happier feel to them.

About Negative Thought Forms

"Thought-forms are aetheric energy patterns which arise through man's misuse of thought and emotion. More specifically, any negative emotion like hatred, grief, resentment, worry or self pity will project onto the aether a pattern which is vibrationally at the same level as the emotion. These thought-forms, if intense enough, tend to be attracted back to the bodies of their originators, with the result that the forms end up connected in some manner with one or more of the major organs or systems of the body. From this installed position, the thought-forms proceed to alter the structure or function of the associated body part, and some kind of chronic imbalance, disease or affliction typically results." Maurice B Cooke, Other Kingdoms, Marcus Books 1981

Jon Fox, a researcher of the inert gas devices states on his site "One concept of negative thought forms is that they are ideas or programming, like a tape that runs over and over in us, which form in the aetheric body. As it is held there it tends to be problematic for us. We may do psychological work or other clearing, but we still have those aetheric constructs that we have to deal with. By the use of, particularly, the inert gases Krypton and especially Argon, we're finding we can rapidly clear those negative thought forms in people. Now if somebody is not doing psychological work to help get at the reason they put the thought form there in the first place, the device will simply be a stop-gap measure, a band-aid. The person will usually reconstruct the negative thought form within a short period after using the device - it could be as little as an hour, but typically, it is three days. We've noticed that with Argon the various thought forms from this lifetime are the ones that are generally affected. For thought forms from past lifetimes, Krypton seems to be indicated. It is very easy to determine if Krypton is indicated. If particular physical complaints or difficulties they're having have a very unusual quality, such as if they say "I have this pain only at night and only in my left shoulder right here." To me, the image comes up that they got shot with an arrow in a past life at night or perhaps some similar past-life vision. But whatever the particular ideology, it seems as if Krypton seems to be very helpful in various patterns that don't necessarily relate to things that people are aware of from this lifetime, nor that they have consciousness about." Jon Fox, Hilarion Channeler. For more information regarding negative thought forms, see the section titled The Theory of Disease.

It should be noted that when a disease producing thought form is dislodged or destroyed, that there is a strong likelihood that as a result of the body eliminating physical toxins associated with the prior thought form, that there will be a tenderness or soreness around the diseased area. The soreness usually clears in 2-4 days, after which improvement is usually noticed.

The Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #10 is useful in dealing with arthritis. Researchers of previous devices have found that the Argon/Krypton combination has the ability to destroy the arthritic thought form that causes toxin accumulation in the painful joints. It should be noted however that if the victim does not recognize their own contribution to the disease from a hardened attitude towards another person, a subject or a situation in their life that they have acquired a habit of thinking, then symptoms will not be relieved permanently. They must consciously correct these thoughts in themselves. Again there will be soreness in the early stages of treatment as toxins are eliminated. Researchers have suggested to expose arthritis sufferers for about one hour a day for a week. The Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #10 has also been shown to be effective in dealing with rashes.

Using argon by itself with the Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #4 seems to assist with energy in the solar plexus and energy having to do with our own understanding of self-empowerment. Some people also report improved sleep. This isn't so much for insomniacs, but people who may perhaps be journeying out-of-the-body so much that they need to be right in their body while they're nourishing themselves in sleep.

Click here to view 100% Pure Argon Gas Inert Gas Device Unit.

Case Studies


Besides having the past life negative thought form destruction characteristics described in the section on Argon, Krypton seems to improve psychic abilities. People who use it regularly will generally notice things happening in the Third Eye region between the eyebrows. According to Hilarion, the Channeled guidance through Jon Fox has indicated that it might be helpful for epilepsy. There have been several cases treated successfully but again these are only anecdotal cases. In one case, a female epileptic dropped her level of Dilantin in half. In another case, a man was able to go off Dilantin completely, and has had no drugs or seizures since. It has now been two years! Both these cases were achieved through use of an inert gas homoeopathic complex which was made up to 3x potency, as described on the web site.

Krypton seems to improve brain function, memory and concentration. It balances what is happening at a psychic level with the conscious level. Since epilepsy appears to be an out-of-phase condition between the different lobes of the brain, Krypton's ability to enhance brain function would certainly seem to help.

As well as having the ability to break down negative thought forms, the result with Argon and Krypton together tends to be meditative in quality. They tend to clear the energy in a room, because of the production of more aetheric substance. This tends to have the effect of what might be termed aether clearing. Improved ability of individuals to communicate with each other telepathically, to work at more psychic levels is usually noticed.

Krypton by itself seems to associate itself quite a bit with psychic abilities and the ability to perceive other dimensions - auric vision, in particular. Some people use it purely for third eye development, as reported in the book Other Kingdoms by Maurice B Cooke. It has also had reported benefits for joint pain. Others use the krypton device for clearing and cleansing their crystals of unwanted energies.

Click here to view 100% Pure Krypton Gas Inert Gas Device Unit.

Case Studies


Researchers have found a clear pattern that has emerged through applying the xenon gas beam to patients, and that is regenerating worn, wasted or degenerated tissues of all kinds. The body is quite capable of knitting broken bones, healing open cuts and eliminating viruses bacteria etc., but it will not undertake tasks of a cosmetic nature, such as converting scar tissue to normal skin, regrowth of lost fingers, arms and the like. The body is capable of regenerating tissue completely, but in many cases this is interfered with by;

  • disease thought forms
  • habits of eating and living that strain the bodily energy reserves that dissuade it from tackling any tissue reconstruction project not essential to its survival

Researchers in Russia are using xenon gas inhalation therapy which is leading to many miracle healings. You can see how this therapy works in this video. Xenon gas is however the most expensive of the noble gases available and inhalation therapy is therefore only suited to the super rich. A small bottle of the gas typically costs us in excess of $4000. Using inert gas devices where the gas is permanently enclosed in a chamber with magnetic application to generate a beam is therefore a far more economical approach when considering xenon gas therapy.

In one case study, a patient had a worn hip joint that had a negative thought form associated with it. The thought form was eliminated using krypton gas, and then regeneration was undertaken using xenon gas to restructure and repair the worn or missing tissues in a relatively short time (bones and teeth take the longest times to regenerate up to 6 months).

Typically Xenon is mixed with various other gases to focus on particular parts of the body. There are some cases of people who have regenerated hips and improved their backs. Here we generally use Krypton mixed with the Xenon (Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #12), as it seems to help bone and skin. But for blood engorged organs, for parts of the body where blood is used, then we usually mix Argon with the Xenon (Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #13). For the regenerative system, we use Neon mixed with Xenon (Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #14). Lastly, a combination of Xenon with small amounts of Argon and Krypton (Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #15) seems to be very helpful for lungs. When a healthy individual is exposed to it, they typically experience something very similar to being around a negative ion machine: deeper breathing, and a feeling of lightness and increased energy.

Click here to view 100% Pure Xenon Gas Inert Gas Device Unit.

Case Studies

Finding it hard to determine what the right inert gas device is for you?

One can use 2 or more of each of the pure gas devices or combine different ones together as in the suggested mixtures shown on this page. Jon Fox from recommends individuals sensitive to energies to start with the pure or nearly pure inert gas devices one at a time until the energy becomes more familiar. We recommend that you start with the Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #11 as it is probably the most effective combination for dealing with many issues at once. It contains the argon/krypton blend for releasing and dissolving negative thought-forms. This is a favorite of many; when using this it seems that ones world is much happier place." We believe as the thought forms have been removed from the gases and the magnetics greatly improved that Omnidirectional Inert Gas Beaming Device #11 is suitable for all people. It contains a blend of 20% Xenon (for tissue regeneration and regrowth), 20% Argon and 20% Krypton (to destroy negative thought form attachments, considered by some as the basis to some forms of disease (as discussed in the Argon article above), 20% Helium (to assist with sleep), and 20% Neon for lower chakra issues).

About the Inert Gas Devices available through Natures Energies

Inert Gas Devices

All of the inert gas beaming devices available through Natures Energies use specially treated magnets, which result in less side effects when compared to inert gas devices made by other developers. When being exposed to magnetism for up to a month, some people become very irritable, one of the side effects of powerful magnetic fields. Our magnets have been treated using a special undisclosed energy infusion technique to remove these issues, which will allow you to continuously use your Inert Gas Device. The energy infusion method used also enhances other properties of the inert gas devices giving them abilities such as restructuring drinking water, which is better absorbed by the body when consumed.

How far does the beam extend from the Inert Gas Device?

There are 2 apparent fields that are emitted by the inert gas devices. The first one is a magnetic field and the second is the inert gas field. As previously described, the magnet inside the inert gas device activates the inert gas beam. The magnetic flux when measured extends to known limits as shown in the diagram to the right. The diagram is to scale. The magnetic flux combined with the inert gas beam thereby creates a plasma field.

The inert gas field is unable to be measured using scientific instrumentation, as the field is etheric or what some individuals might describe as astral in nature. We therefore rely on clairvoyants with the ability to view or feel the inert gas field, and upon empirical data from scientific examining devices such as a GDV camera to look at the effect of the inert gas beam on a medium such as water. When we examine the inert gas beam using such techniques, we find that the inert gas ether field extends approximately 10 metres from the source, with the field weakening as the distance increases from the device. This is shown to scale in the image below.

How to Use the Inert Gas Device

After introducing your body to the inert gas device (as described in the instructions that come with it), it is ideal to place the device under or to the side of your bed with the label on the top pointing upwards.

Note that if there is a need to switch the device off, it is best to wrap it in lead sheet which can be purchasing from your local hardware store. Lead sheet will block the inert gas field.

In our devices, a wide potted magnet is held within the gas chamber of the device, so that the gas receives the full effect of the magnet starting from the magnet surface, and the contents of the gas cylinder is consequently activated by the magnetic field. Every atom of the inert gas in the cylinder is subsequently subjected to the required excitation whereas many competitive devices, only some of the gas is subjected to excitation.

About the gases used in the Natures Energies Inert Gas Beaming Devices

The inert gases that we use have been specially treated using an undisclosed technology, where the negative imprints or thought forms in the gases have been removed. These thought forms rendered the gases as only partly effective in inert gas devices. It is believed that the negative imprints were applied to 4 of the 5 gases in the history of the Earth to prevent them from being able to do what they were originally intended (Helium was found to be clean of interference).

What is inside a Natures Energies Inert Gas Device?

Each of the Inert Gas Devices provided by Natures Energies have been designed by Greg Hernon (founder of Natures Energies) using his engineering and science background in which he was originally trained. A high safety factor has been used in the designing the devices to make them safe to use (e.g., wall thickness of the devices is a lot thicker than that required to contain the high pressure gases), and the internal valves are hidden by the base of the device to not only make it aesthetically better in appearance, the base acts as an additional safety feature in the very unlikely case the internal valve system were to fail, preventing any danger from explosion. In our opinion, these devices are the safest Inert Gas Devices available worldwide.


Click here for instructions on using the inert gas devices.

Medical Disclaimer

Not intended to treat disease, support or sustain human life, or to prevent impairment of human health; for self-education and research purposes only.

Note that we are not medical doctors, and that we are not making any medical claims for the inert gas devices. We can only discuss the anecdotal experiences that others have experienced with them. Much of the content on this page is based on the work of Jon Fox from, the commentaries of Laurance Johnston, Ph.D. in dealing with spinal cord injuries, as well as the book Einstein doesn't work here any more  - A Treatise on the New Science by Maurice Cooke. It makes interesting reading explaining the theory of inert gas devices in complete detail, how to construct the devices, as well as case histories compiled over a period of 7 years.

All observations from all researchers in this field and users of the inert gas devices are based on anecdotal evidence, and are not supported by statistical blind placebo studies. The same applies to the inert gas devices available through Natures Energies.

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