Scrying Mirrors
The black scrying mirror, also known as the "magic mirror" is a powerful metaphysical tool. It can reveal to the user secret hidden knowledge and clairvoyant ability and can act as a portal to other planes of existence in our universe. ![]() One of its most famous known users was Nostradamus, who could tell by staring into the mirror events far into the future. The following notes have been extracted from a book dedicated totally to scrying mirrors, and they serve useful for the individual seeking to successfully use a scrying mirror for divination, as well as the many other metaphysical benefits. |
- Always keep the surface very clean using alcohol and a soft cloth.
- Never use it for anything but its intended purpose.
- Do not let others look into its surface, except in ritual context. Keep it stored in a silk bag when not in use.
- Practice the visual exercises described following until mastered.
- Keep the working area clean and free from any disturbance.
- Generally, scry using the mirror at night, preferably during the full or new moon, depending on the operation. The mirror can be used at any time, but tends to work better at these points.
- When indoors, light two votive candles, one on each side of the mirror. Use white or colored candles appropriate to the work: blue for healing, purple for psychic work, orange for communication, and so on.
- Burn a lunar or psychic blend incense before working with the mirror.
- Place the mirror on a wooden table or altar with a clean cloth beneath it and be seated on a wooden chair in front of it, or if you prefer, assume a comfortable asana on the floor with the mirror before you.
- Extinguish all light sources except the candles and/or moonlight.
- Allow nothing to reflect in the mirror's surface. It should appear as a dark tunnel or window.
- Before starting, always create a sacred space to work in. Cast a circle of protection or visualize the area surrounded by white light and protection from false or misleading influences - call your guides and guardians to protect the working.
- Keep a journal to record your experiences.
First, clearly decide what you seek or are trying to accomplish in the working and prepare appropriately. Then prepare the work area carefully as suggested previously.
Once you are ready, close your eyes and begin to relax; feel every part of your body releasing, relieved of all tension. Visualize your circle of protection and know you are safe and in control of all that happens within it. Begin to breath rhythmically and fully; try a count of four in, hold four, release four, four in, hold four, release four and so on. Feel yourself entering a light trance surrounded by sacred space, removed from time and the material world. Silently call your guides or guardians of the work, invoking the Goddess or calling angelic presences, spirit guides, watchtowers, astral guardians or whatever you prefer. Reaffirm your desire and the purpose of the work.
Now open your physical eyes and gaze into the mirror; remain relaxed and do not hesitate to blink when necessary. Relax the focus of your eyes but remain alert. After a while, the surface of the mirror will begin to change and fade; a dark mist will appear.
Your inner eyes will now open, and the journey into the mirror begins. Remember that the inner eye sees inside the mind, through the magical imagination. Most people when scrying do not see the images appear with the physical eyes on the mirror's surface but see within the mirror and in the mind's eye. The mirror acts as a focal point, a gateway within.
When you have completed your journey or work you set out to do, begin the return to your body and ordinary senses. Breath fully and deeply, and remain still until you feel you have completely returned. Now close your eyes and remember all you saw and felt during the scrying or journey. Review your entire experience mentally.
Write it all down immediately in a journal kept specifically for this purpose.
![]() This is a very important exercise to master if you are new to scrying or are having trouble receiving images. It will aid your "visual imagination," which allows your psychic and physical eyes to see clearly together. It gives clairvoyant strength. Sit before your mirror and begin to imagine objects on its surface, one after another. You should try to see these images clearly in the mirror with your eyes open, just as if they were there in reality. Try simple shapes or colors first. Hold onto the image of each shape, object or color one minute before dissolving it and going on to the next. For example, use a red triangle, a yellow square, a blue circle and silver crescent; see them appear in the mirror using your firm imagination. For best results, do this exercise every day for 15 minutes until it is mastered. |
This exercise is well worth the effort; it gives magical discipline and strengthens the inner eye so visions can come with clarity and ease.
Charging the Mirror with Light
To charge and empower the mirror with light force is a simple but powerful process. It should be done frequently, especially just before using the mirror, so as to ensure you see correct visions, connect with positive energy and do not experience interference.
First, you must imagine that white light is collecting inside your body, being channeled down from the crown chakra. The body becomes a vessel filled with light. Remember to breathe fully, deeply and rhythmically. Now stand in front of the mirror and direct the palms of your hands toward one another. Imagine that the internal light is now moving into your hands, forming a ball of condensed white light between them. See and feel this clearly in your imagination. When ready, begin to project this ball of light into the surface of the mirror, purifying and enlivening the mirror, filling it with magical force. See the light "soak" into the mirror. This process needs to be repeated until the mirror feels "full."
This process can also be used to give a special or programmed charge to the mirror. Follow the steps preceding and create the ball of light between your hands, then mentally project your desire into the light before projecting the light into the mirror. This technique can be used for healing works and self-improvement. You can also charge the light with a specific color or vibration - whatever can be felt or imagined can be put into the mirror to aid the magical energy. The empowering exercise can be used for other magical operations as well, such as charging other magical tools and the giving of healing light to another person. All it takes is a strong desire and powerful imagination.
Locking the charge into the mirror is accomplished by willpower. When the light has been absorbed into the mirror, state in your mind and with all the faith you can muster that the charge will remain as long as you require it. To release or remove a special charge, simply reverse the procedure, pulling the light out of the mirror into the space between your hands. Then disperse the energy into the atmosphere through the imagination. Do not draw it back into the body - see it return to the universe.
Black Obsidian Scrying Mirror With Pedestal
Black Obsidian Scrying Mirror With Pedestal Scrying is a technique of divination , of producing visions, perhaps of the future, through a prol nged gaze. Scrying was famously practiced by the 16th century astronomer, mathematician and alchemist John Dee with the assistance of...- From $17.95 USD
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Have Pedestal
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6" Plain Round Scrying Mirror. Includes Stand and Downloadable eBook.
This Black Glass Scrying Mirror is six inches round. The back of the mirror is actually coated with a durable black powder coating usually found on outdoor metal furniture. Remove fingerprints with soft cotton cloth and alcohol or Windex. Do not use an...- $21.95 USD
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8" Round Double Sided Acrylic Flat Scrying Mirror. Includes Stand and Downloadable eBook.
Non-Breakable Black Acrylic Mirror Use Both Sides. Dual Function* Microfiber Sleeve for Protection and Cleaning 1/4 inch thick with polished edges Objects used for scrying are reflective, translucent, or luminescent. Ancient Greeks used the reflections in pools of water. Nostradamus used black obsidian bowls...- $44.95 USD
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5" Black Obsidian Round Scrying Mirror. Includes Stand and Downloadable eBook.
Black obsidian crystal scrying mirror. Black obsidian has the aura of absolute mystery. Its energy draws you in softly, but very deeply, which makes the presence of black obsidian powerful in many ways. Black obsidian polished mirrors, were used in various cultures for...- $59.95 USD
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Vendor:Natures Energies
8" Black Obsidian Round Scrying Mirror. Includes Stand and Downloadable eBook.
Black obsidian crystal scrying mirror. Black obsidian has the aura of absolute mystery. Its energy draws you in softly, but very deeply, which makes the presence of black obsidian powerful in many ways. Black obsidian polished mirrors, were used in various cultures for...- $89.95 USD
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