In modern western society, we have a serious issue that has become prevalent since the early 1980s, and that is a deficiency of iodine. Before the early eighties, iodine was prevalent in our diet as it was used in bread dough as a conditioning agent, and in the dairy industry to kill the bacteria in milk. Our thyroids were safe with the abundance of iodine and we were in generally good health. Iodine is a very necessary element needed by most organs in our body.
So what was iodine replaced with? For some unknown reason, iodine was replaced with Bromine. One dairy farmer remembers being told to no longer use Iodine, but to use bromine in their milk or they would be de-registered and would have to shut down. They described smelling the solution that it smelled toxic, and decided to use it in the commercial milk they sold to save their business, but to have a separate milk supply for their own family to protect their daughters from dangerous chemicals.
Bromine is an antibacterial similar to chlorine. It is a fumigant for agriculture and termites and it’s a virulent pesticide that will kill insects – you probably consumed some this morning in your breakfast and might consume some in your lunch. It is literally everywhere.
So what happens in the long term when you consume too much bromine? In the 1920s, there was a hangover cure called bromo-seltzer that was popular with the public. Over many years, it was revealed that many of the people that took this remedy in large doses would develop and syndrome called Bromo-Mania, and they would end up in psychiatric hospitals with an acute paranoid psychoses condition. So by consuming too much bromine, there are people in society that are becoming paranoid and breaking out in a psychosis condition. This has led to extreme mass murders like you hear on TV these days with teenagers taking guns to school or university and killing other students. All of these have happened since the early 1980s, and are very infrequent prior to iodine being removed and replaced by bromine.
How much iodine do we need in our diet?
The exact range needed to meet the demands of the body based on a recently developed loading test is 12.5 to 37.5mg daily.
If you ask your doctor, they will generally say that you have enough Iodine if you eat fish and if you consume iodised salt. The fact is however you would need to consume about 9Kg of fish a day to get the iodine your body needs, and there are many scientific reports that prove he iodine in iodised salt is insufficient to meet the needs of your body.
What happens when iodine is insufficient?
One common symptom that you are deficient in iodine is the ability to sweat. People deficient in iodine will not sweat, but simply remain dry even when moving around in hot humid weather. This means they are unable to sweat out the toxins they carry with them. The remedy discussed in the next section taken for only a few days allows the body to sweat again.
What can I do to consume the right amount of Iodine and what will it do?
There is a 150 year old remedy called Lugol's solution, that consists of two parts potassium iodide for every one part elemental iodine in water. Lugol's solution used to be in every pharmacy and was easy to procure. Now days there are only a few pharmacies stocking the solution and it is regarded as being very hard to buy. I did some research and found several places on eBay where it can be procured.
So what to do with this solution to fix the deficiency issue most of us have? One drop of Lugol's solution contains 6.4mg of elemental iodine. To meet the requirement of 12.5 to 37.5mg daily, we need to have 2 to 6 drops in a glass of water on a daily basis. So 2 drops is a very conservative safe maintenance dose, but sometimes we nee it in much higher doses to overcome the damage in our body from years of deprivation. Iodine is the safest of all the trace elements, and can be administered in doses up to 100K times the RDA, although this is not advised unless under the supervision of a health professional. Taking excessive amounts outside of the RDA could result in the so-called "Wolff-Chaikoff Effect", a phenomena quoted by doctors recommending you not to take Iodine as a supplement. However this condition has never been independently verified in rats or humans, and it is sadi to have been influenced by big pharma, a trillion dollar industry that would love to see us all remaining sick as life long customers consuming their drugs.
So where does Prozac and depression come into the story?
E. Hollingsworth describes her observations in her book “Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry”, saying the most startling improvements I have observed were with victims of devastating depression. She describes seeing people turn their lives around after many years of staring into space which is how many of them described their afflictions. Many were sent off to psychiatrists who rubbished them for refusing Prozac, when all they needed is iodine.
Iodine supplementation using a product such as Lugol’s solution brings about almost immediate lifting of spirits in mildly depressed people.
Note: While we are describing Lugol’s and its observed effect on those with depression, we do not recommend you coming off your medication without the guidance of your professional health practitioner.
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