Bioenergy Pendant

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Bioenergy Pendant

5 cutting edge therapeutic energies from the 1 powerful source

When we look at the many types of therapeutic pendants that we have available to us today, we have magnetic pendants, scalar energy pendants, orgone energy pendants, and negative ion generator pendants which are sold under a variety of names as pendants giving healing and energy enabling abilities. Some of us are health enthusiasts, and we own several if not all of these kinds of pendants, and at the beginning of the day, we often scratch our heads wondering which pendant is right for us today. There are even some that I have met that wear 4 or 5 pendants together, which gives them a very hippy looking appearance as well as a jingling sound as they move along!

To solve this, we have combined a number of favourite traditional therapies found in a pendant and added some new cutting edge technologies and released the Bioenergy Pendant, making it necessary now to wear only the one powerful therapeutic aid to cover 5 different areas.

Wear it on a chain or carry it in your pocket. The energy from the pendant works outwardly and within the body. Outwardly scalar energy enhances the body’s bio-field. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeability and thereby enhances the many physiological functions of the cells in the body.

Bioenergy Health Bracelet

Now available as
a bracelet.
Click here for details.
How does wearing the Bioenergy pendant benefit me?
  1. Improve the body's immunity
  2. Improved blood flow and oxygen/nutrient supply
  3. Makes the wearer feel more energetic
  4. Destroys damaging free radicals
  5. Strengthens the body's biofield preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting ones health
  6. Improved blood pressure
  7. Relieves pain and sore joints
  8. Increases metabolism (reducing fat levels)
  9. Strengthens liver function
  10. Balances pH levels in the body
  11. Lengthens the life of cells in the body
  12. Has the ability to destroy viruses and bacteria
  13. Improved recovery from physical exhaustion
  1. Stabilizes brain function
  2. Improves blood purification
  3. Balances the autonomic nervous system
  4. Improves digestion
  5. Improved removal of bodily toxins
  6. Controls swelling
  7. Relieves fatigue and tiredness
  8. Improves sleep patterns
  9. Helps to retard the ageing process
  10. Promotes unclumping of blood cells
  11. Helps to protect DNA from damage
  12. Increases focus and concentration

The Reverse Side of the Pendant (facing the body)

The reverse side of the pendant contains 5 elemental inlays, each having a specific unique function, thereby giving the Bioenergy pendant multifunctional therapeutic properties. Each of these elemental inlays face your body, which is how each of the unique therapeutic properties are delivered from this pendant to you.

Each of the elemental inlays are shown in the picture below, and described in the table to the right.

The Reverse Side of the Pendant
Reverse Side of the Bioenergy Pendant

Bioenergy Pendant Reverse Side

More than just a Scalar Energy Pendant!

Some time ago, we released the Scalar Energy Pendant, and many of our customers reported through our feedback improvements in their health and rapid healings in sporting injuries and other beneficial health improvements. Now you can enjoy not only the benefits of wearing a scalar energy pendant, you also get the compounded effect of all the other features that come with the Bioenergy pendant as described in the article. You no longer have to wear multiple pendants or other health jewellery to feel the freshness of life which you crave again!

You can read more about the effects of the scalar energy pendant by itself by clicking here.

Scalar Energy Pendant

Pure Germanium Metal

Pure Germanium Metal InlayNote: Prior to the release of Bioenergy Pendant II, this inlay was made from black Germanium Powder. Pure germanium metal is considered far more effective in delivering its therapeutic properties when compared to black germanium powder.
Germanium has been reported to improve the immune system, boost the body's oxygen supply, make a person feel more energetic, and destroy damaging free radicals. Germanium also protects against radiation. To read more on the scientific mechanisms on how it achieves this, as well as the benefits, click here.

Black Magnet

Black MagnetWhen magnets are placed on the human body, the magnetic field penetrates the skin tissues and bones. As blood contains iron, it acts as a conductor of magnetic energy in helping to increase the flow of blood and, therefore, increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. This assists the growth of healthy new cells and initiates the body to heal itself by its natural ability. An understanding on the mechanism as well as the benefits of black magnets can be read by clicking here. In earlier versions of the Bioenergy Pendant, this inlay appeared as a bright silvery color in its appearance.


Far Infrared (FIR)

Far Infrared (FIR)FIR technology has emerged as a new technology, and it is proving to be useful in improving blood circulation, blood pressure and arthralgia. It has also shown to be useful in adjusting autonomic nerve, reducing fattiness, strengthening liver function, promoting metabolism as well as balancing pH in the body. Other health benefits as well as the mechanism by which it achieves this is explained below.



Nano The nano inlay is a new technology product of the 21st century. It works by absorbing heat from the outside, and converts the absorbed heat as FIR (Far Infrared), helping cells to survive longer in the body, strengthening the energy of cells, improving blood circulation, promoting metabolism and immunity function. You can read more about the FIR functions and their benefit to the body by clicking here. On top of all this, nano has an effect of killing germs in the body.


Negative Ion

Negative IonNegative Ions have many documented health benefits, some of which include recovery from physical exhaustion or fatigue, stabilized brain function, blood purification, increased metabolism, strengthened immune system, balanced autonomic nervous system, promotion of better digestion, as well as cell rejuvenation. The research and extensive knowledge on negative ions is vast, and we have compacted the information to give you a thorough understanding, which you can read about here. Note that the negative ion inlay in earlier versions of the Bioenergy Pendant had a bright yellow appearance.

Therapeutic Mechanisms Scientifically Explained


Germanium is a semiconductor element that has a small band gap that allows it to efficiently respond to infrared light. The two important characteristics of Germanium that brings about healthy function effects are its natural ability to emit negative ions and the penetration of Far Infrared Rays into the human body.

1. Removing Harmful Positive Ions and Effect of Negative Ions

A Germanium atom has thirty-two electrons with four of them constantly moving unsteadily along its outermost shell. These four electrons are negative-charge carriers. One of these four electrons will be ejected out of its orbit once the temperature is above 32 degrees Celsius. The remaining three electrons will seize an electron from other atoms in order to maintain balance. In essence, once in contact with the human skin, the negatively charged electrons from the millions of Germanium atoms will attract the harmful positively charged electrons from the body.

Our current urban lifestyle exposes the human body to harmful positive ions generated from mobile phones, electronic equipment, chemicals, acid rain and ultraviolet rays. Hence, the negative-charge ion from Germanium will help in blood purification and balancing the positive and negative ions within the body. This also achieves muscle relieving effects as well as reducing fatigue and tiredness.

While it is a widely held belief that eating more fruits and vegetables is considered more healthy for the body, on the other hand it results in a more acidic pH balance in the body. This causes our body to be weak and be more prone to sickness. The acidification of the blood which is caused by the loss of electrons can be prevented by negative ions, which contains an abundant amount of electrons. This improves the body's immunity and resistance to sickness.

Germanium Atom and Electron Shell Orbits
Germanium Atom and Electron Shell Orbits

The metabolism of the human cell is an extremely important process as it purges waste out of the body while acquiring nutrients from the blood. With more negative ions in the body, the body's metabolism process also increases in its efficiency.

Conversely, with more positive ions in the blood, the body's metabolism becomes less efficient and slower. Thus the human cells become weak and the body is more susceptible to sickness and the ageing process becomes accelerated.


  • Strengthens one's immune system
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Raises oxygen levels
  • Speeds up metabolism of body cells
  • Regulates positive and negative ions within the body
  • Removes harmful toxins
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain
  • Alleviates physical stress, stiffness, cramps or discomfort
  • Controls swelling
  • Reduces water retention
  • Relieves fatigue and tiredness
  • Promotes quality sleep
  • Slows down ageing
  • Prevents bacterial growth
  • Increases and maintains body warmth

2. Effect of Far Infrared Rays

Germanium has the ability to emit a high percent of Far Infrared Rays that penetrate deep into the human body. When Far Infrared Rays are absorbed into the various organs of the human body, it activates, revitalizes, develops and strengthens them. It also increases temperature under the skin as well as promotes micro circulatory flow within the human body, thus improving one’s overall health condition.

Black Magnet

Magnets have been used all over the world for thousands of years and believed to possess healing powers. When magnets are placed on the human body, the magnetic field penetrates the skin tissues and bones. As blood contains iron, it acts as a conductor of magnetic energy in helping to increase the flow of blood and, therefore, increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. This assists the growth of healthy new cells and initiates the body to heal itself by its natural ability.

The use of North facing magnetic orientation to the body is widely considered to give the best magnetic benefits as the North polarity produces a stronger magnetic field effect resulting in better penetration to the skin.

Black Magnet


The effects of magnets are said to provide relief in the treatment of many ailments for various people. The benefits are:

  • Stimulates the body's natural healing power
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Raises oxygen levels
  • Speeds up metabolism of body cells
  • Removes harmful toxins
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain
  • Alleviates physical stress, stiffness, cramps or discomfort
  • Controls swelling
  • Reduces water retention
  • Relieves fatigue and tiredness
  • Promotes quality sleep
  • Slows down ageing

It should be noted that the benefits experienced may vary from individual to individual.

Far Infrared (FIR)

The sun emits many kinds of natural light, only some of which are visible. Infrared light has a longer wavelength than the visible spectrum and thus cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Far Infrared (FIR)

Far infrared rays (FIR) have the longest wavelength of any kind of infrared light, and thus are the only kind of infrared light that can deeply penetrate the human body. When emitted by the sun or from the Bioenergy pendant, FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues and is transformed from light energy into heat energy, bringing about many beneficial effects:

Promotion of blood circulation and warming of the body, which helps relieve neuralgia (nerve pain), muscle aches and joint pain, as well as remedying cold hands and feet

Revitalization of cells, which promotes wound healing and helps restore tissue damaged by inflammation
Increased metabolism

  • Relief from stress and fatigue
  • Regulation of the nervous system
  • Promotion of sound sleep
  • Purification of bodily fluids and elimination of harmful toxins
  • Strengthening of immune function
  • Promotion of healthy growth and development in human beings and animals

At its normal core temperature, the human body emits heat energy at a wavelength of 5-15 microns. A FIR energy wave of similar length is emitted when natural stone - such as tourmaline or zeolite - is heated. Some studies have shown that FIR energy emitted from stone can penetrate organic matter 80 times deeper than other heat waves.

The heat from FIR resonates with the body's own energy waves to warm the body, improve blood circulation, and boost metabolism. FIR energizes the body at the cellular level. For this reason, many hospitals and clinics in Japan treat patients with medical devices that generate FIR. In addition to their positive effects on circulation and metabolism, far infrared rays also improve the function of the autonomic nervous and endocrine (hormone) systems, resulting in a better state of health.

FIR Therapeutic Mechanism of Action Explained

The FIR inlay releases far infrared wavelength emissions into the body. These have an effect on water molecules as well as the arterial system within our body as explained in the following diagrams;

FIR Therapeutic Mechanism of Action Explained

Accelerate blood circulation

As a result of the FIR reaction, and due to the increase in the temperature of deep skin, and the expanded microvascular system, there is an accelerated blood circulation, consolidated blood and cell metabolism, and this in turn results in an improved youthful appearance.

Adjust blood pressure

High blood pressure and arteriosclerosis are usually caused by contraction and narrowing of small arteries. Far infrared helps to expand the microvascular system, thereby accelerating blood circulation and reduce high blood pressure, resulting in improved hypotension symptoms.

Improve arthralgia

Deep penetration of far infrared can reach deep into muscle joints, thereby warming the inner body, relaxing muscles, leading to an exchange of oxygen and nutrients of the microvascular system. It can also purge accumulated fatigue substances and lactic acid as well as other aging wastes, and has excellent effects for eliminating turgescence (swelling) as well as easing pain.

Adjust autonomic nerve

The autonomic nerve mainly regulates visceral functions. Humans are often in a state of anxiety, and the autonomic nerve is as a result kept tense. This results in low immunity, headache, insomnia, fatigue and cold extremities.

Reduce fattiness

Far infrared therapy can result in an energy increase, as well as cell activation, thus promoting adipose tissue metabolism, burning and decomposition, resulting in consumption of excess fat. The end result over time is the effective loss of weight.

Strengthen liver function

The deep heat reaction from deep within the body resulting from far infrared can activate cell, enhance tissue regeneration capacity and promote cell growth, thereby strengthening liver detoxification, improving the body environment resulting in an improved physical condition of the body.

Promote metabolism

Once the microcirculatory system has improved, metabolic waste can be rapidly excreted from body, reducing the burden on organs such as the liver and kidney. Such waste includes heavy metals that can cause cancer; lactate, free fatty acids and subcutaneous fat that can cause fatigue and aging; and uranium ions that can cause hypertension.

Balance body's PH

Far infrared can purify blood and improve the quality of skin, to prevent excessive uric acid that can cause bone pain and arthralgia (joint pain).

Negative Ion

The astounding degree to which negative ions can contribute to good health is becoming increasingly apparent, as extensive research on the subject suggests.

Negative ions are in the air that we breathe as well as in our bodies. They neutralize free radicals, revitalize cell metabolism and enhance immune function. In addition, they purify the blood and balance the autonomic nervous system, promoting deep sleep and healthy digestion. Negative ions also protect the body and mind from the harmful effects of environmental stressors such as electromagnetic fields. See below for more on the amazing healing properties of negative ions.

In order to ensure our health and well being, it is crucial that we surround ourselves with a sufficient amount of negative ions. In addition to wearing the Bioenergy Pendant, which produces negative ions and may elevate their levels in our bodies, eating clean, healthy, alkaline-producing foods can also increase our negative ion levels.

What are Ions?

Ancient people recognized that the air is "electric," so to speak, but it is thought that the formal study of ions did not begin until fairly recently. In 1899, two German scientists, Elster and Geitel, discovered that there are particles in the atmosphere that carry electricity. These particles were later named "air ions" by the British scientist Faraday. The word "ion" was taken from the Greek language, in which it means to "go" or "wander about."

Ions are invisible particles, either molecules or atoms, which bear an electric charge. Atoms, for instance, consist of an atomic nucleus that contains neutral neutrons and positively charged protons, as well as orbiting electrons that are negatively charged. When an atom is in a neutral condition, the number of protons (+) and electrons (-) is equal. When the number of protons and electrons is not the same, the particle becomes an ion that is either positively or negatively charged. Generally speaking, positive ions are harmful to the human body, while negative ions are beneficial.

Positive Ion Positive Ion: an atom (or molecule) that has lost one or more electrons due to a high-energy impact. Natural forces that generate positive ions include the decay of radioactive minerals, radon gas, forest fires, lightning and ultraviolet rays.
Negative Ion Negative Ion: an atom (or molecule) that has gained one or more extra negatively charged electrons. Negative ions are naturally generated by evaporating water.

Electrons are highly sensitive to shock, impact, electric current and atmospheric change. Air pressure or heat, for instance, can cause electrons to escape from atoms and dissipate, increasing the number of positive ions in the air.

As mentioned above, the balance of negative and positive ions in the air is easily disturbed. A good example of this can be seen in the changes in ion levels associated with storm activity. Several hours before a thunderstorm, for instance, low atmospheric pressure causes the number of positive ions in the air to increase dramatically, to levels that sometimes exceed 5000 ions per cm³. In contrast, during a storm, negative ions increase to several thousand per cm³ while positive ions decrease, often to below 500 per cm³. (You can detect similarly high negative ion concentrations near waterfalls - see the chart below.)

In our daily lives, as well, we can directly experience the electricity of ions in the air in the form of static electricity - especially in winter, when the air is dry. Static is caused by a high ratio of positive to negative ions because of a lack of moisture in the air.

The Ratio of Negative to Positive Ions is Crucial to Health

The ratio of negative to positive ions is crucial, because negative ions are able to neutralize the harmful effects of positive ions. At the beginning of the 20th century, the ratio in the atmosphere was 1.2 negative ions for every positive ion. However, in recent years, the ratio has reversed and now there are 1.2 positive ions for every negative ion. This is due to environmental hazards such as air and water pollution, electromagnetic fields, and other factors.

Positive and negative ions also exist in our bodies, and the ratio of ions in the air we breathe influences the ratio in our bodies. Ions enter the body through the lungs (inhalation) as well as through the skin - especially through meridian (acupressure) points, which have weak electronic resistance. Then they travel through the blood and lymphatic systems to cells throughout the body. Wearing the Bioenergy Pendant may increase the number of negative ions absorbed through the skin.

Negative and Positive Ion Levels Measured in Various Locations
These measurements were taken in Japan

  Negative Ions

Positive Ions

Negative and Positive Ion Levels Measured in Various Locations
Offices 70 1400
Industrial Areas 50 300
Shopping Arcades 220 280
Residential Areas 200 180
Forests 2500 800
Kowakidani Hot Spring 2500 820
Near Minoh Waterfall 5000 300

In some offices with computer stations, no negative ions were detected at all! Inside typical Tokyo residences, positive ions were found to be 500 times more numerous than negative ions. These findings may be due to inadequate ventilation both in office buildings and energy - efficient houses, as well as from the use of electronic devices that generate electromagnetic fields and from building materials that emit formaldehyde and other toxic fumes. On the other hand, high negative ion levels, such as at waterfalls, hot springs and other highly moist areas, will neutralize positive ions, leading to very low positive ion levels.

In any case, these measurements suggest that it is difficult to maintain sufficient levels of negative ions in the present age.

How Positive and Negative Ions Affect Our Bodies


Negative Ions

Positive Ions
Blood vessels Dilate blood vessels Constrict blood vessels
Blood Pressure Stabilize BP Increase BP
Blood Increase blood alkalinity Increase blood acidity
Bones Strengthen bones Weaken bones
Urinary tract Promote urination;
increase nitrogen in urine
Suppress urination;
decrease nitrogen in urine
Respiratory Stabilize respiration and make breathing easier Accelerate respiration and make breathing more difficult
Pulse rate Decrease pulse rate Increase pulse rate
Heart Enhance heart function Impair heart function
Fatigue Speed physical recovery Prolong physical recovery
Autonomic Nervous System Calm and relax nerves Tense and strain the nervous system
Growth Promote healthy growth Suppress and delay growth

Harmful Effects of Positive Ions

Ions were first linked to human health by a Japanese medical study in 1910, which showed that patients with arthritis experienced greater pain when weather fluctuations elevated the percentage of positive ions in the atmosphere. As a result of this and other research, in Japan the close relationship between ions and health has long been widely recognized.

Cold fronts and low pressure systems increase the percentage of positive ions in the atmosphere, leading to a decrease in the number of negative ions in our bodies. Doctors in Japan report that under such conditions, the symptoms of their asthma and arthritis patients are aggravated, and the number of strokes increases.

In North America, the relationship between positive ions and asthma has also been studied. Positive ion winds (in which there are extremely high concentrations of positive ions) in Calgary, Alberta, southern California, and other places around the world have been found to coincide with increased incidence of asthma attacks (Guy Cramer, "Advanced Research on Atmospheric Ions and Respiratory Problems", Certified Medinex Website, Sept. 2, 1996,

Moreover, in recent years a number of doctors in Japan report that high levels of positive ions in the immediate environment - due to electromagnetic fields generated from computers, cell phones and other electronic devices - can both impair brain function and suppress the immune system, leading to a host of ailments. Symptoms include headache, lack of energy, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, nausea, stomach-ache, breathing difficulty, vertigo (dizziness), poor concentration and mental performance, and sleep disturbance. When blood or urine samples from individuals reporting such symptoms are analyzed, extremely high levels of the stress hormone serotonin are detected. This hormone is known to be potentially harmful to the body at high levels, and it is thought that positive ions may work to increase serum serotonin. (Negative ions, on the other hand, cause the body to convert excess serotonin into a harmless compound).

Positive ions turn into free radicals in the body, oxidizing cells throughout the entire system. They damage healthy cells and increase the acidity of the blood. When cells are oxidized, lactic acid levels rise drastically, resulting in a variety of maladies, including cancer. The balance of the endocrine, immune, and autonomic nervous systems is thrown off, and blood and lymph circulation declines. As a result, aging processes accelerate, and premature aging occurs.

The following are human-made environmental factors that increase positive ion levels; each hazard is either new to the last century, or has magnified significantly during that time.

Human-Made Hazards that Increase Positive Ion Levels

  1. Exhaust fumes - the major environmental cause
  2. Factory smoke
  3. River pollution and acidic rain
  4. Dioxin produced from the burning of waste materials
  5. Pesticides and food additives
  6. Formaldehyde
  7. Phosphorus compounds used in everyday products
  8. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by X-rays, electric appliances, computers and other electronic devices, power lines, etc.

Negative Ions Neutralize Free Radicals

It is said that 2% of the oxygen we breathe turns into free radicals in our bodies. When these free radicals combine with free radicals produced by other sources (such as heavy metals, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, and positive ions), they become even more harmful. Negative ions work to prevent oxidation by neutralizing the free radicals in our cells. As a result, cells are revitalized, and immunity and resistance are strengthened. Negative ions also work to balance the autonomic nervous system and improve gastrointestinal function. They can relax the mind and body, promote deep sleep, increase metabolism, stabilize appetite and blood pressure, enhance recovery from physical exhaustion, and help one feel refreshed and invigorated. Negative ions are essential to overall health. Below is a summary of the healing properties of negative ions.

Healing Properties of Negative Ions

Recovery from physical exhaustion or fatigue - by increasing oxygen levels in the blood and facilitating more efficient oxygen utilization, negative ions help accelerate recovery from fatigue.

Stabilizing brain function - by promoting abundant oxygen levels in the blood, negative ions help normalize brain function, resulting in relaxation and calmness.

Blood purification - by increasing the levels of calcium and sodium in the blood stream, negative ions help restore a healthy (slightly alkaline) pH balance to the blood.

Increasing metabolism - by stimulating the exchange of electronic substances in cell walls, negative ions help increase metabolism.

Strengthening the immune system - high levels of negative ions promote production of globulin in the blood, resulting in stronger resistance to illness.

Balancing the autonomic nervous system - negative ions can calm and relax taut nerves by balancing the opposing sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system.

Promoting better digestion - by counteracting over-arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, negative ions help ease tension in the stomach and intestines, promoting the production of digestive enzymes and enhancing digestion.

Cell rejuvenation - negative ions help revitalize cell metabolism, enhancing the vitality of muscle tissue and strengthening internal organs.

For overall health - negative ions can rejuvenate and revitalize all of the body's systems and cells, promoting a stronger overall constitution.

Researching the Effects of Negative Ions
Studies Conducted in Japan

Many doctors and researchers in Japan have been studying the effects of negative ions. According to them, an insufficient number of negative ions in our environment results in suppressed immune, nervous, and digestive function, eventually leading to a variety of illnesses. Some doctors in Japan even treat their patients using a medical device that produces natural (not artificially produced) negative ions, with successful results. Below are some of the research results on the effects of negative ions.

In 1975, Nanzandoh Medical Clinic in Japan published some astonishing results from their research on negative ion therapy, finding it effective in the treatment of high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, tinnitus (ringing of the ears), as well as for various disorders of the nervous, respiratory, and digestive systems, thyroid gland, and skin. It was also found to speed recovery from illness and slow aging processes.

A clinic near Ueyamada Hot Spring in Shinshu, Japan, treated Alzheimer's patients with negative ion therapy, and more than half were cured of the disease, recovering on their own with no further treatment! Following this, a medical team at Shinshu University also found that negative ions work to heal damaged cells in mice.

Dr. Tomoh Tsubushi, a medical professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University and sports medicine specialist, has closely followed negative ion research. In 1997, he concluded from his own studies that when negative ion therapy was applied after exercise, it quickly normalized blood pressure, reduced serum serotonin levels, and accelerated recovery time from exhaustion. In 2000, his paper on the beneficial effects of negative ions on the human body was published in Shuki no Kenkyu, a Japanese scientific journal.

According to research conducted by Shiseido, the world renowned Japanese cosmetics company, inhaling air containing 3,200 positive ions per cubic centimetre for 20 minutes resulted in thirst, loss of voice, and nasal congestion due to elevated serum serotonin levels. In contrast, inhaling negative ions for 10 minutes stabilized brain waves, resulting in a sense of calmness. In the group that inhaled negative ions, hardly any serotonin was detected in blood or urine samples. (Negative ions cause the body to convert excess serotonin - the antagonist for most of the problems - into a harmless chemical compound).

Studies Conducted in the U.S. and Other Counties

The following is excerpted from an article by Guy Cramer, entitled "Advanced Research on Atmospheric Ions and Respiratory Problems" (Certified Medinex Website, Sept. 2, 1996,

"A doctor treating burn victims with negative ion generators found that those patients who also had respiratory problems - chronic bronchitis or asthma - all reported that negative ion therapy helped them breathe more easily. With these findings the doctor started research into the effects of ions on respiratory ills. This research was carried out at the Northeastern Hospital, at the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate Hospital, and the Frankford Hospital in Philadelphia. He found 63% of patients suffering from hay fever or bronchial asthma 'have experienced partial or total relief' because of negative ion therapy. One hospital doctor who worked on the project said later, 'They come in sneezing, eyes watering, nose itching, worn out from lack of sleep, so miserable they can hardly walk. Fifteen minutes in front of the negative ion machine and they feel so much better they don't even want to leave.'"

"The U.S. experimenters Windsor and Becket gave sixteen volunteers overdoses of positive ions for just 20 minutes at a time and all of them developed dry throats, husky voices, headaches, and itchy or obstructed noses. Five of the volunteers were tested for total breathing capacity, and it was found that a positive ion overdose reduced that capacity by 30 percent. Exposed to negative ions for ten minutes, the volunteers' maximum breathing capacity was unaffected. What is significant here is that negative ions did not affect the amount of air breathed, but positive ions made breathing more difficult."

"In Britain, two Oxford University statisticians conducted a study among 100 victims of asthma, bronchitis, and hay fever chosen at random from a list of people who had purchased negative ion generators in the hope that it would help their problems. In the end their report was based on interviews with only 74 of the 100. They found that 18 of 24 asthmatics; 13 of 17 bronchitis sufferers; 11 of 12 hay fever victims; and 6 of 10 people afflicted with nasal catarrh reported that negative ion generators had noticeably improved their condition. A few claimed the generator had cured them."

"Brazilian Hospitals have commonly used ionizing devices for the treatment of breathing problems, including allergies, following a test involving 36 children with asthmatic allergies. All of them had consistent and in some cases crippling problems before taking negative ion therapy; during the treatment only one of them suffered an allergy attack and afterward all were reportedly cured, at least to the point that they no longer suffered problems so long as they took part in occasional negative ion therapy sessions."

"In 1966 at a hospital in Jerusalem, doctors performed a series of tests on 38 infants between two and twelve months old. All suffered to about the same degree from respiratory problems. They were divided into two groups of nineteen, one kept as a control group in a ward without any ion charge and the other where a negative ion generator was in use."

"The researchers reported that negative ions without any other treatment - that is, no drugs - seemed to cure attacks of asthma and bronchitis more quickly than drugs, antibiotics included. They also observed that there were none of the 'adverse side effects' frequently found when treating such children with drugs. They concluded that the children treated with negative ions were less prone to 'rebound attacks' (relapses). As to objectivity, the scientific report said that the tests 'demonstrated that the atmospheric ions have an effect on infants, especially those suffering from asthmatic bronchitis.' Less scientifically, they found that babies didn't cry as often and as loudly when they were breathing negative ions as they did in normal air. And there is nothing subjective about a bawling baby."

Material Color Dimension (in/cm) Weight (oz/g)
Stainless Steel Shiny Metal Diameter: 1.4 / 3.6 Chain length (end to end): 27 / 69
Note: Chain length is non-adjustable
1.2 / 35


While research shows that there are no harmful side effects caused by the use of magnets, individuals fitted with pacemakers should never use this product.Tips on Adjusting the Chain Length

"I just wanted to mention that since I like the chain I opened the clasp on one side with a strong knife, pulled out the little ball. Clipped 12 cm off the chain and put the new ball into the clasp. Then took pliers to bend down the opened edges. The length is now perfect for my liking. Be sure when doing this that you can get the shrtened length over your head!" M Petterson, Canada.


All information is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice or care. Should you have any specific questions or concerns about your health, please consult your health care provider.

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Laurie M.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Not the same as before.

The pendant has changed to a bigger, flatter style that does not look or feel the same. I'd been wearing the previous pendant style for many, many years. I stopped because the "beads" kept falling out, and I kept having to buy new pendants. I started wearing something else, but missed my old pendant(s), so I bought one again. I was disappointed by the larger, flatter pendant I received. It also feels different in the hand - it feels like it is more cheaply made. Overall, just very disappointed. I went back to my Harmoni necklace.

James S.
Australia Australia
I recommend this product

Great Product

It really made a difference. Thank you so much.

Australia Australia
I recommend this product

Energy plus

I believe my pendant is assisting me with my energies. It has been beneficial when out on the community as I am still unaffected by the virus.



Excellent product thank you

vincent g.


I love everything about this pendant

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